Timeless Vibrations® Volume 2
Healing Mp3s & CDs


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Individual Sets
Asthma Gone
Brain Lightning Vibrations
This healing set emits the vibrational intention that the developers of the vitamin product "Brain Lightning" desired for their product. It also contains frequencies the developers are not aware of, frequencies that compliment and supplement those already in the vitamin product. Just as we do not yet have a vibrational CD for food so we don't have to eat again, my CD does not replace the beneficial components that only a 3D vitamin offers. The CD does act in beneficial and dramatic ways that the the vitamin doesn't address.
Cat Pees Only in Litter Box
Thinking big, no hesitation, capable of follow through, "YES I CAN", dissappointments recede to nothing, "I don't have to be afraid."

Clean House
Neutralizes bound thoughts and the discordant vibration of others in your home. Makes it easier to clearn your home and keep it clean. This is the home version of "Dr. Office Clearning." Use the Feng Shui Mp3 along with this for a more thorough clearing.
Clear Communication
Cool Rushes
This is based on that exhilarated feeling one might have when beginning something new.
Dental - Before Procedure Clearing
Energetic optimizations relating to the affected tooth/teeth so there is less pain or other side effects after your dental procedure.
Dr. Office Clearing
1. Clears/neutralizes all accumulated vibrations from past patients (fears, anxiety, etc.)
2. Clears/neutralizes other people's stuff that a patient holds about the doctor and/or the procedure they are about to experience.
3. When patient leaves it clears/neutralized all the vibrations that the patient left in the office. In the air, on furniture, and anything the patient touched, in the waiting room, treatment rooms, bathrooms every place the patient visited in your office.

EDTA Chelation
This healing set works at the energetic level to release heavy metals.
EDTA (EthyleneDiamineTetraAcetic Acid) is a synthetic amino acid related to vinegar. EDTA was developed by the Germans in 1931 to reverse heavy-metal poisoning from the ingestion of lead, mercury, aluminum, cadmium, and more.
Read more about Oral EDTA Chelation
Emerging from Catastrophe
This has helped many people recovering from Hurricane Katrina, and other widespread or personal catastrophes.
Facing Challenges
Facing challenges head on and in divine timing. Motivation, getting out of self judgement, clearing obstacles. Challenges are thought of and experienced as fun.

This is helpful at the beginning of any new venture, even the beginning of each new day. The vibration of Ganesha is alignment with success, and removal of obstacles, expansion of education, knowledge, wisdom and wealth.
Happy Talk
The more precisely we imagine those things we truly desire, the greater our likelyhood of receiving those thing we truly want.
I Go to School
Kuber, Lord of Wealth
The alignment vibrations associated with results Lakshmi is noted to bring about. She is known as the goddess of wealth and prosperity, both material and spiritual. Lakshmi also signifies love and grace. While Lakshmi energy is about achieving success it is not for anyone who is lazy or desires wealth for wealth only.
Lightbody Ascension
Our lightbody is a complex field of living energy frequencies within and around us.
It's remedial structure is established at conception and grows and changes throughout our life. It grows and changes by the influencing factors of our thoughts, and emotions, both conscious and non-conscious, along with global and universal vibrational shifts and energy healing. To me, this Lightbody Ascension healing feels like a spring cleaning for my Spirit. I feel less physically dense and mentally clearer.
Mahamrityunjaya (maha-mrityun-jaya)
One of the more potent of the ancient Sanskrit mantras. Maha mrityunjaya is a call for enlightenment and is a practice of purifying the karmas of the soul at a deep level.
Money Blessing
Money that comes to you is clean of other's energy and optimized to serve your highest good

Morning Prayer
I've been saying this simple prayer on and off for years. It always makes my life go more smoothly. The Mp3 somehow makes it deeper reaching.
Motion Sickness Gone
I created this just before my first cruise. It helped me and others.
My Trillion Dollars
This taps into the infinite resources of abundance. Aligns you to the principles that are in  "The Abundance Book." Attitude of attracting abundance.

"Even though money hasn't started rolling in yet I'm much less worried about it." ~Joe, Illinois.
Neurotransmitters & Pathways
This checks and corrects you so you are optimized to all your neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, hormones, and circuit boards of each neural pathway.
Neutralize & Integrate
You can use this after you've had healing work done if you feel out of sorts
OCD Gone
Parasite/Kidney/Liver/Colon Cleanse
Pest Repellent
1. Prevents pests from damaging your property or biting you.
2. Eliminates your worry and concern that pests will cause damage to  your property.
Several clients are saying this is working very well.
Pilates Expert
"I took 4 Pilates classes earlier this year and I am getting the same feeling in my stomach muscle with the Mp3 that I was getting with all those difficult exercises! My stomach is starting to hold itself in automatically when I stand up and my legs are getting some of their shape back – go figure!! " ~ J Richards, San Diego
                                     Suggestion: Play this Mp3 4 or 5 minutes a day
Power of the Lotus
The lotus flower represents spiritual purity in many ancient cultures. Among the numerous benefits of this CD are: clearing the lower bodies of stress, traumas, fear, anxiety, anger and other negative emotions. It clears illnesses and injuries from the genetic blueprints, neutralizes environmental imbalances (feng shui/vastu), blesses us with wealth, prosperity and happiness, and transmits Shaktipat (Divine Energy initiation). Also, we receive transmissions and protection from the Masters, and are guided to Divine Enlightenment. And these are just some of the benefits of Power of the Lotus!
"So gentle yet so powerful. My mental fog has lifted, breathing better, like being given a boquet, like a lotus flower is opening to receive. My taste is clearer too."  ~Theresa Platzer
Product & Service Sales Stampede
Self Love
Team Cooperation
Time Decrease
I am in the infinite moment.
Toxic Filter Clearing
This is for the energetic toxic filter (like a furnace filter in the aura) and the liver

Truthful to Self & Others
Vibrational Exerciser
An exerciser that works while you are resting!
Enlivens your cells. Even couch potatoes will benefit and feel more energized. Based on the vibrational exercise plate sweeping the news: 3D version #1 and 3D version #2. Play this healing set for 10 minutes 2 to 3 times a week. Best when you rest while it’s playing.
              Benita Soloway
     Janis Ariazi:

Violet Flame +60
Uplifting energy with increased feelings of spiritual connection, intuition and mental clarity. It can help with overall calm and good health, good judgment and a connection with universal energy. Violet is associated with imagination and inspiration. The Violet Flame +60 purifies all negative energy from your body and space. It delivers grace, light and blessing to you so you can become one with Source.

Weather/Atmosphere Related Issues
Work/Play/Motivation Balance
Can be helpful if you are feeling stuck
World-Weary Warriors

Yajna's for Wealth
The Maha Mrityunjaya Yajna - tapping into the power associated with Shiva to manifest health and wealth. The Maha Lakshmi Yajna - tapping into the power associated with Lakshmi to manifest wealth

Yoga Mastery
Resonant vibrations for posture, breathing and meditative mastery. It checks to see which yoga style conforms to your interest/is best for you and tunes you to that mastery level.

Timeless Vibrations Vol 1 Timeless Vibrations Vol 2 Timeless Vibrations Vol 3
Timeless Vibrations Vol 4Millioniare Mind Roots Support

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Barbara Robins

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Website Design © 2006 by Julia Stege and www.graphicgirlz.com

The content found here is for informational purposes only, and is in no way intended as medical advice, as a substitute for medical counseling, or as a treatment/cure for any disease or health condition and nor should it be construed as such. Always work with a qualified health professional before making any changes to your diet, prescription drug use, lifestyle, or exercise activities. This information is provided as-is, and the reader/viewer assumes all risks from the use, non-use, or misuse of this information.